News Blog

GRA has compiled a news feed to keep you up-to-date on

the latest financial and retirement news that could affect your wallet

See the latest headlines below.

You Can Claim Spousal Social Security Benefits—Even if You’re Divorced. Here’s How.

By GRA News Blog | November 1, 2021

A recent email raised a question that I’m sure is prominent in many minds: How can I claim Social Security benefits off my ex-spouse’s earnings record?…

Tax Strategies You Don’t Want to Miss Before the End of the Year

By GRA News Blog | October 29, 2021
connecting the dots

Many taxpayers will benefit from tax-loss harvesting this year, as well as changes in the rules around charitable giving To paraphrase an old saying, nothing…

10 Ways You Could Avoid the 10% Early Retirement Penalty

By GRA News Blog | October 28, 2021
penalty red card

You’ve saved diligently in your 401(k), and you wouldn’t mind tapping into it – but you’re not age 59½ yet, so you could have to…

You’re Being Robbed … You Just Don’t Know It

By GRA News Blog | October 27, 2021
taking money from someone's pocket

For retirees especially, inflation risk should always be a top concern in your financial plan. If you’re wondering whether you should be concerned about rising…

Don’t Let Social Security Steer You Wrong

By GRA News Blog | October 26, 2021
lady with dog

Few retirement decisions are as critical, or as easy to get wrong, as when and how to take your Social Security benefits. The rules can…

5 things people get wrong about IRAs: Bankruptcy protection limits, inheritances and more

By GRA News Blog | October 25, 2021
retirement accounts

IRAs have been around since 1974. And yet after nearly 50 years, there’s plenty that the 47.9 million households that use IRAs to save for retirement still get…

Want a happy retirement? Here’s what experts say you need to do

By GRA News Blog | October 22, 2021
retired fun

Everyone wants to be happy in retirement. So what will it take to get there? It’s not just saving money, although that is key, according to…

Planning for retirement is hard, but you can do it, one step at a time

By GRA News Blog | October 21, 2021
tight rope

Get a grip on expenses and plan for a long life Retiring seems like an overwhelming prospect — because it is. You’re trying to save…

Wednesday Q&A Roth Ira As An Alternative To Emergency Savings?

By GRA News Blog | October 20, 2021

Roth Ira As An Alternative To Emergency Savings? Let’s talk about savings statistics. Do you fall into any of these categories? What are the latest…

3 Drawbacks of Using Only a 401(k) for Retirement

By GRA News Blog | October 20, 2021
paying bills on computer

Key Points You are paying fees in your 401(k), and those fees are reducing your investment returns. Some 401(k)s have great investment menus, and others…

