News Blog

GRA has compiled a news feed to keep you up-to-date on

the latest financial and retirement news that could affect your wallet

See the latest headlines below.

Investing a measly $100 per week can turn into a nest egg topping $1.1M by retirement — but you need to start at age 25. Here are 5 dead-simple ‘catch-up’ tactics for older Americans

By GRA News Blog | November 17, 2023

According to the Milken Institute, beginning to invest for retirement at age 25 by saving $100 a week can yield $1.1 million by age 65,…

Roth IRA Conversions: Benefits and Considerations Beyond Taxes

By GRA News Blog | November 3, 2023

Roth conversions have gained prominence in retirement planning, offering the allure of tax-free growth and income. However, the decision to engage in Roth conversions involves…

How to Pick the Best Flight Insurance Policy for Your Next Trip

By GRA News Blog | October 31, 2023

From flight delays to baggage mishaps, air travel can be a source of stress. Fortunately, flight insurance offers peace of mind by covering flight-related expenses…

Actors Impersonating Federal Agents Called Seniors. About 12% Handed Over Sensitive Info.

By GRA News Blog | October 30, 2023

The good news is that most elderly Americans can detect Social Security scams on the phone. However, the bad news is that a small yet…

8 Signs You’ve Jumped From Middle Class to Wealthy

By GRA News Blog | October 26, 2023

The middle class has been on a steady decline since 1971, yet in 2021, approximately 50% of Americans still fit this category, as per the…

7 Professional Travelers Share Their Absolute Favorite Travel Rewards Program — and Why

By GRA News Blog | October 24, 2023

For frequent travelers, loyalty programs can be a game-changer, making travel more accessible, enjoyable, and even luxurious. These transferable points can be likened to Amex…

Can I work and receive Social Security at the same time? Here’s how much you can earn while still getting benefits — plus 3 tips to keep you out of trouble

By GRA News Blog | October 23, 2023

Social Security plays a critical role in the lives of nearly 50 million Americans, providing an average monthly benefit of $1,837, according to the SSA.…

‘Automatic Millionaire’ Author David Bach: My Main Advice for 2023 Is Still This — Pay Yourself First

By GRA News Blog | October 20, 2023

As we approach the final months of 2023, have you managed to prioritize paying yourself first this year? It’s not too late to embrace this…

Social Security: What Is the First Year of Retirement Rule?

By GRA News Blog | October 19, 2023

Social Security: A vital American institution that provides crucial financial support during retirement. Yet, delving into the intricacies of Social Security benefits can feel like…

Super-rich Americans are giving up on the stock market, holding historic levels of cash — here’s why and what they’re plowing their wealth into

By GRA News Blog | October 17, 2023

America’s super-rich are making significant shifts in their investment strategies, with high net worth individuals now holding over 34% of their portfolios in cash, the…

