News Blog

GRA has compiled a news feed to keep you up-to-date on

the latest financial and retirement news that could affect your wallet

See the latest headlines below.

4 reasons why you shouldn’t wait for mortgage rates to drop

By GRA News Blog | October 2, 2023

With interest rates soaring to a 22-year high and mortgage rates at levels not seen in decades, homebuyers face tough decisions. But amid the rate…

Suze Orman’s Signs You’re Not Ready To Buy a Home

By GRA News Blog | September 29, 2023

While owning a home is often deemed a symbol of financial maturity, renowned personal finance expert Suze Orman points out that its financial feasibility fluctuates.…

4 Financial Tasks You Shouldn’t Put Off

By GRA News Blog | September 28, 2023

A common thread running through our confessions was the neglect of essential financial tasks due to perceived dullness or time constraints. Discover how even the…

Five Common Retirement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

By GRA News Blog | September 26, 2023

Are Your Financial Perceptions Skewed? Help Avoid Common Pitfalls. Relying solely on tax-deferred accounts or anticipating unattainable market gains? Guard against these and other misconceptions…

As Social Security marks a milestone, here are 3 things to know about your retirement benefits

By GRA News Blog | September 25, 2023

On August 14, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt marked a historic moment by signing the Social Security Act into law, giving birth to a social…

Travel Insurance Is Confounding. What to Know Before You Buy It.

By GRA News Blog | September 22, 2023

An escalating concern for travelers is the potential disruption of their plans due to various unforeseen incidents. Recent events like the Maui wildfires, resulting in…

Hiring a financial planner? 3 things they don’t want to hear from you.

By GRA News Blog | September 21, 2023

The initial call to a financial planner can be daunting, as seeking help often is. Ensure a positive start to your relationship by sidestepping opening…

3 Reasons to Buy a Dashboard Camera for Your Car—and 4 Reasons Not to

By GRA News Blog | September 19, 2023

The trend of installing security cameras in cars to prove innocence in accidents or deter trespassers is on the rise among Americans. However, it’s a…

7 Things a Financial Advisor Says to Do with Your Money Before 30

By GRA News Blog | September 18, 2023

Even if retirement is years away, starting to save now is essential for its enjoyment. While immediate expenses often take precedence, financial advisors offer crucial…

This is why stock picking is so hard – and index investing so easy – for favourable returns

By GRA News Blog | September 15, 2023

Investors are well aware of the worst-case scenario, a complete loss when buying an individual stock. Yet, the allure lies in the potential for substantial…

