News Blog

GRA has compiled a news feed to keep you up-to-date on

the latest financial and retirement news that could affect your wallet

See the latest headlines below.

Retirement: 5 things you need to know about Social Security spousal benefits

By GRA News Blog | August 3, 2021
senior couple spousal benefits

On paper, Social Security’s spousal benefits might seem simple enough to understand. But that’s not the case according to Elaine Floyd, the director of retirement…

Retiring in the Next 5 Years? Make These Five Decisions Now

By GRA News Blog | August 2, 2021
view from a mountain top

These five moves could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra income over the course of your retirement. In the five years preceding retirement,…

This Investing Strategy Could Make You a Millionaire

By GRA News Blog | July 30, 2021
money jar

With the right strategy, you can make a lot of money in the stock market with minimal effort. Key Points Long-term investing can help you…

4 Secrets to Beating the Average Investor

By GRA News Blog | July 29, 2021

4 Secrets to Beating the Average Investor The average investor likely has a less-exciting future than you do. You’re poised to develop confidence in your…

Wednesday Q&A Louisiana Teachers Retirement Options: LASERS vs ORP

By GRA News Blog | July 28, 2021

Louisiana Teachers Retirement Options: LASERS vs ORP Lynn in Madisonville is taking a job with the State, and asks Gregory’s opinion on which teachers’ retirement…

Inheriting an individual retirement account? Here’s how to avoid a tax bomb

By GRA News Blog | July 28, 2021
seniors on computer

KEY POINTS The Secure Act of 2019 added new rules for inherited IRAs, requiring many heirs to withdraw the balance within 10 years. Without tax…

When will I get my monthly Social Security check? It depends on these quirky rules.

By GRA News Blog | July 27, 2021
social security

If you haven’t reached retirement age, be warned: Social Security has some pretty quirky rules. And that’s just the way the government works from time…

Why you should be terrified of owning Bitcoin

By GRA News Blog | July 26, 2021

It’s obvious to anyone who owns or considers buying Bitcoin that the leading cryptocurrency is volatile. For loyal fans, its sharp swings are a small price to…

Many 401(k) investors don’t use target-date funds the right way

By GRA News Blog | July 23, 2021
401k saving

KEY POINTS Target-date funds are meant as a one-stop shop for 401(k) plan investors. A third of investors don’t use them this way, however, according…

How much do you know about claiming Social Security retirement benefits? Take this quiz and find out

By GRA News Blog | July 22, 2021

KEY POINTS Knowing the ins and outs of Social Security retirement benefits rules can help you claim a bigger check. Yet some facts about the…

